
Bread that Satisfies

Bread that Satisfies

I’m not quite sure where my love of bread came from. I cannot remember coming into our home after school and smelling fresh-baked bread. There are no memories of being at Grandma’s and watching her knead dough, waiting with anticipation (and butter) for the first slice. I do love me some bread though. This past summer I decided to limit carbs (sigh). Of course, this means bread. Sugar in all its shimmering, white splendor does…

Focusing On More Than What’s Next

Focusing On More Than What’s Next

It can be hard focusing on Jesus during Christmas. Who am I kidding, it can be hard to keep our focus on anything but ourselves on most days. Do you know why I know this? On Thanksgiving day, when we had all filled our plates so full we would need to repent, we ate all that craziness and…forgot to bless the food. I can’t remember when we last forgot to bless our food as a…