
We are all Patients in God’s Grace Hospital

We are all Patients in God’s Grace Hospital

Sister B, who is in her 90’s, hasn’t been to the doctor since 1978. The first time I heard this, I was speechless. How in the whirl? She is a godly, sweetheart of a lady — at church whenever the doors open. Once at a women’s ministry get-together, someone commented that Sister B wasn’t at the gathering. We knew she hadn’t heard about it (I mean, we never even thought that she might be sick.),…

Why Reading the Book of Numbers is Good for You

Why Reading the Book of Numbers is Good for You

Hello, Friend, Have you ever asked yourself the purpose of reading the book of Numbers in the Bible? Yep. Me too. I ask it almost everytime I am reading through the Bible on a yearly plan. It’s been said that Leviticus and Numbers are the graveyard for read-through-the-Bible-in-a-year programs, so if you are in these books, hang on! I’m on two interesting paths in my Bible reading. Our church is reading through the Bible, chronologically,…

A Prayer of Comfort For Anxious Times

As I type this, we are in our first full day of a national emergency. Who would have thought that the nation would be struggling to maintain toilet paper inventories?  We are also in a crisis of emotion. Anxiety and fear wait on our porches, and most of us have opened the door wide for them to enter. I resisted the compulsion to turn on our TV this morning. I saw a meme this week…

Anxiety of Living Distracted

Anxiety of Living Distracted

The story of Jesus’ friends, Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42), offers us an on-time word today. We often think of the slow pace of years gone by, but y’all this story fits our lives like a glove. Jesus’ friend struggled with anxiety too. But Martha was distracted with much serving. (vs 40) Do we fuss over the details too much? Do we live a distracted life?  How would you rewrite that verse to fit your…